Zhaohuajing Fm
Type Locality and Naming
It was named by Ye Yongzheng et al in 1959 and published in Northwest China Regional Stratigraphical Scale, the Ningxia Hui Zizhiqu Facsimile in 1980. The type section is located at east of Zhaohuajing Village in Tongxing County, Ningxia.
Synonym: (照花井组) , Zhaohuajin Fm
Lithology and Thickness
Lower member, approximately 13 m thick, consists of purplish gray, grayish green calcareous pelitic arkosic quartzose sandstone with 2-6 m-thick conglomerate at the base. Middle member, about 45 m in thickness, is composed of dark gray, purplish gray, grayish yellow thin-to-thick-bedded marl, argillaceous knotty limestone and pseudo-oolite limestone. Upper member, 44 m thick, is characterized by purplish red ferriferous calcareous siltstone intercalated with silty limestone, thin-bedded grit and pebbly limestone lenses.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It is disconformable underlain by the Xiangshan Gr of the Middle Cambrian. Regionally, the next older unit is the Xiehao Fm of late Ordovician.
Upper contact
The formation, 102 m in total thickness, is pseudo-conformably overlain by the Tongxing Fm (Tongxin Fm)
Regional extent
It is steady in lithology, very confined in distribution and exposed only in the area of Zhaohuajing in Tongxing County and Yezhugou in Zhongning County, the Ningxia Hui Zizhiqu. It is 67 m thick at Yezhugou.
The lower member bears conodont Panderodus sp. The middle member yields rich brachiopods Schizorama planodorsa, Eospirifer sinensis dasifiliformis, Nalivkinia zhaohuajingensis, Holorhynchus sinensis, Striispirifer orbiplicatus, etc.; anthozoa Streptelasma, Brachyelasma, Grewingkia Tungussophyllum, Crassilasma, Priscosolenia, Halysites senior , H. junior, etc.; conodonts Pterospathodus posteritenuis, Roundya datorta, Trichonodella excavata, Distomodus kentuckyensis, etc.; graptolites Pristiograptus cf. incommodus, Pseudoclimacograptus hughesi, Climacograptus minutus, C.miserabilis, Glyptograptus, etc. The upper member yields anthozoa Mesofavosites grandiformis; conodonts Panderodus, Ozarkodina, etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information